Metrics – yet another one

Hungry butterflyJust came across a posting on Academic Productivity: the Reader Meter can create an analogue to the h-index (or Hirsch index). Instead of measuring how many papers of a certain researcher are cited how often, it determines – based on data of the academic reference management software Mendeley – how many papers have been bookmarked by Mendeley users. Certainly, the software is an alpha version, and the original h-index is a more important measure as citations carry more impact than bookmarks. Nevertheless, the additional information is quite interesting, either general or on a per-paper basis concerning readership and nationality (the journal entry for my review is not correct, however, but the DOI is;-) Find “my” Reader Meter entry here;-)

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Efficiencies and other notes

I mentioned the record bulkheterojunction solar cell from Solarmer recently:On top of the others 8.13%, although on a small area of 0.1cm2. The evporated small molecule solar cells had almost 6% on a ~10 times larger area. On the SPIE Optics&Photonics conference in August in San Diego I heard inofficially that Heliatek achieved more than 6%, but now on foil. Even better: more than 7% (active area efficiency; about one percent-point less for the complete area) on a module with more than 70cm2! This one is not flexible, I believe. Amazing if you consider that the evaporation is by point sources. If these modules are encapsulated, they are said to have an extrapolated lifetime exceeding 10 years.

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