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I finished the Review article I was Schlumpf1recently talking about. If you are interested, the preprint can be accessed here (in a few hours, 20:00 EST according to arXiv, so be patient;-) [Update 2nd March 2010] It’s up:-)

Reviews seem to be pretty subjective, and I am sure there are many omissions, but hopefully not too many inconsistencies. If there are any particular things you do like or do not like, or which are plain wrong: I am happy about every bit of constructive criticism! I submitted the article to Rep. Prog. Phys. It will be peer-reviewed, and I am pretty sure the referees’ comments will make the current version much less final as I’d like it to be;-)

[Update 25.6.2010] The review was accepted after some minor revisions, and is scheduled for publication by Rep. Prog. Phys. in September (2010).

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